Not a day for going out in boats

Roeddwn ni'n meddwl am fynd i Ynys Byr ond roedd hi'n stormus, ac nid yw diwrnod i fynd allan mewn cwch.  Aethon ni i'r dre i fynd i'r siopau. Rydw i'n hoffi Dinbych-y-pysgod ac yr hen strydoedd a'r siopau diddorol.  Darganfyddon ni caffi newydd, 'Caffi Llew', a chawson ni pryd gwych yna. Roeddwn i'n hapus i weld caffi gydag enw yn Gymraeg. Cafodd y caffi ei agor eleni ac mae'r staff yn gyfeillgar ac mae'r bwyd yn flasus iawn. Efallai, byddwn ni fynd i Ynys Byr diwrnod arall.

Codi Angor - Raising Anchor

We were thinking of going to Caldey Island but it was stormy, and not the day to go out in a boat. We went to town to go to the shops. I like Tenby and the old streets and interesting shops. We discovered a new cafe, "Caffi Llew', and we had a great meal there. I was happy to see a cafe with a name in Welsh. The cafe is opened this year and the staff are friendly and the food is very tasty. Maybe we will go to Caldey another day.

Codi Angor - Raising Anchor

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