Chic shadow

Well today I painted some more Chic Shadow, this is my room with the Chic shadow. I then moved on to my daughters room and painted with a colour called "Hay Bale". Nothing like the colour of hay more like the colour of pancake batter. It was quite nice when it dried though.

I have worked out that if I paint all day and every day that I am not working I will be finished in early December. Not sure that's a cheery thought. Where has my decorator got to? At this rate all the horrible jobs will be done before he gets here.

I am not doing any more of my bedroom now but I'm starting on the living room and intend to finish that before I paint anywhere else. The living room is to be " Polished Pebble" take a guess at what that could be!

And maybe you can spot the wine in the shot, it's been a long day and I deserve it.

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