Family Fit Sunday

The day started early again, although 6am is beginning to feel like a lie in for me at the moment!
We headed off to Nivelles to do a couple of races. We hadn't entered beforehand as it's been a bit hectic recently so I just wanted to see how I felt on the day and I woke this morning and thought 'why not?' especially as the kids were super keen to run. They did the 1.5km kids run and did brilliantly. Dexter actually beat his sister by over 20 seconds but she was so gracious afterwards and really proud of him so there were no problems.
I then decided to do the half marathon and despite no race distance specific training recently, and in  fact very little proper training for myself, I had a blinder on the toughest half marathon course I've ever done. It was multi-terrain and a lot of it was spent running through mud and jumping over puddles (I wished I'd worn spikes at one point) and more cobbles - what is it with cobbles in Belgium? I felt so good throughout the race and really enjoyed it so I was shocked to learn that I ran a pb and came fourth lady overall and first in my old lady age group! Not bad for what I had billed as a training run.

More fun was to be had this afternoon when I took the kids down to our local park where there was a free event. It was all to do with the outdoors, creativity and farming. Olivia did the ropes course in the tress and impressed me yet again with her fearlessness and climbing skills and Dex loved the tractors and they both loved the old fashioned wooden games. We were going to go swimming afterwards but we ended up staying at the park for longer than expected as there was so much to do!

A very action packed day. I bet we all sleep well tonight!

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