Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Wedding Cake

Today was the wonderful wedding day of one of my oldest childhood friends Val and her partner Uschi.  

The venue was a secret garden on the banks of Duddingston Loch.  The weather was like summer.  The guests arrived in their splendour -  the colours, the tartans (the Lederhosen!), the Pheasant plummage !  - an outdoor wedding celebration with LGBT choir.  

The brides arrived to 'Kiss the Girl' from The Little Mermaid.  

I was overjoyed to be asked to be one of the 'Best peeps' and to meet up with Val's mum and Brother and his partner (I haven't seen her brother in over 30 years) - and it was an honour to carry Uschi's ring.

Champagne in the Garden, Haggis in the nearby "Sheep's Heid" - a fabulous chocolate wedding cake, and more than a few funny speeches (I had a few 'props' for mine - which seemed to go down well).

An evening reception on Portobello Beach with a disco tent, fire pits, candles, BBQ, more singing, dogs, children and an abundance of love.

I can't do justice to the day in blip - it was magical.  All the weegies put in an appearance - some were not sure what to expect as this wasn't a traditional wedding like they have seen previously.  I was so glad they came (and stayed until midnight!).  I wanted them to see for themselves that there isn't a 'straight' and a 'gay' wedding,  there are just loads of friends who accept one another for what they are.  We all want the same things -  for everyone to be happy,  to find love, to raise our families and to have a bloody good time when we are doing it !

What a night ! 

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