Fall Asters
Dear Diary,
The fall asters are at their peak. This morning it was 49 F so there is a decided nip in the air. The air spells of autumn. It is the perfect weather for my trip. By the time I return these asters will be fading so best to remember them like this when they are the final haven for the bees. Every day now I see fewer and fewer of those busy little ones.
The days are shortening as well and soon, too soon in my book, we will be turning back the clock. But I like to think that it is nature's way of telling us to slow down and turn inward. It is also the time to search for those warm sweaters we gladly put away last spring...their time has returned. Funny how what we gladly shed a few months ago are a welcome sight now!
Soon the smell of wood smoke will season the air. This coming weekend is the Apple Festival. I hope the weather continues to be good. It is a lovely local event. The big Fryeburg Fair is right around the corner too, another sign of autumn. I have to do some serious cleaning in the barn cellar before the wood can be brought in though! But there is still a bit of construction to be done next week and then I can prepare. One step at a time...it will all get done.
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