Don't wish it away, Don't Look at it,..

This pile of rubble used to be the Safeway Supermarket we used when we lived in "The Village" (Said in the appropriate scary horror film voice). 

It was about 10 miles away, but was the closest, biggest shop, and preferable to the Food Giants, whatever else the bargain supermarket of choice was in those days. 

It was brand new, and had all the funk - scan your own shopping, coffee shop, creche, chemist, loads of free parking.   When Boy was 2, or 3 we used to have breakfast in here after swimming lessons.  Yes, I was daft enough to book him swimming lessons at 7.45 on a Saturday morning. 

The kids loved it - creche for an hour whilst we bimbled round the shop without the usual "can I have.. can I have", the only problem we had was their insistence in telling Boy that he shouldn't be wearing an England football, because England was bad.  Yes, Racism at 4. Great isn't it.     

Anyhoo.  When we moved from "The Village", we stopped using it, we stopped using that town.    And now - it's this. and probably has been for a good five years I should think by the growth of the weeds and the rubble.   

Nothing lasts for ever, eh?   Bit sad though, lot of family time spent in there, lots of footfall, lots of conversations, lots of coffee, and now nothing;  

But the echos of all those people is still there. 

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