
By Madchickenwoman

Apple pressing

Today was the long awaited ( by me definitely!) apple pressing at Cotehele. Ever since I saw the press in the barn in the orchard, I have been looking forward to seeing it in use - and I wasn't disappointed! I did nothing until it was time to head off, my cold making me a little duh-ish!
On arrival the way to the orchard was marked by apples on bamboo canes - some had obviously been nibbled on by children and others squashed on the cobbles! There were two tents in the orchard, one with displays of all the apples they grow - cooking, eating, cider making! - and one selling juice and cider! The barn was nearly empty when I arrived, the "cheese" looking glorious with its layers and spiky straw ruff! I I happily took photos until 3.30 approached and the barn became full of people and  the pressing began! They showed how the apples were fed into a "cruncher" powered by a horse to fall down a chute and be placed on the base of the press. Apparently they chose to make a square cheese but it turned circular as it grew! The layers of straw which were folded up and laid across the apples, were to provide structure to stop it just splatting out as pressed! Two people climbed on top of the press and turned the wheel to lower the press and themselves down! Next a huge log was placed in the top to press some more - this was fun as I was right in the way and had to duck as it swung over me! Next a rope was tied to the log and this was tightened to press some more! Then there was tasting! No one seem keen to try it, and I had seen the trough all dirty and dusty on my previous visit, but deciding a little bit of dirt and germs might help my cold I said yes please! Everyone else followed suit when I exclaimed how lovely it was! On my way back to the car I stopped at the shop and bought a bottle of their Wassail mulled cider and a bottle of Mead - which I am drinking as I write and is delicious! As it says on the label "Sweet with rich, deep honey flavours!"
I took 222 photographs! I have got it down to 99 on Flickr! I will whittle that down at some point but since it has taken me a whole day to process, and this is a backblip, it will have to wait!  There are other photos I prefer, but this one shows the cheese in it's ruff, so this one it is!!!!
I will backblip todays tomorrow - if that makes sense?! My cold has settled on my chest and is giving me a good claggy cough if I exert myself - so I haven't! Plus  the good old shingles have awoken with a vengeance - there were no wasps anywhere that I saw which was surprising, but when you have your very own hive in your shoulder blade who needs wasps?! 

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