
A trip to Jodrell Bank today (which was originally planned as phase two of an educational visit for a group of 12 students, but ended up being phase 1!)

Discussions with the students resulted in two of the girls quite categorically stating that they wanted to carry on with Science into A level and degree level (good work from me there  "Don't do what I did and drop science if you really want to do it" and "Biggest regret I have with my education is not pursuing Science beyond GCSE" - both true statements as well).

Sadly, the orginal plan of taking the students to watch a rocket launch was changed on Sunday afternoon as a result of the organiser having to postpone the launch due to weather forecast for winds in excess of the acceptable limit for launching a rocket.  There was a suggestion that it might go ahead in the evening, but not definitely, so phase 2 (Jodrell Bank) became Phase 1.

Students had a good day and were absolutely dumbstruck by the Lovell Telescope.  I have been there a number of times previously but got a special treat today as the telescope did a complete 360 rotation on the azimuth whilst we were there.  Pretty cool.

Anyway, after arriving back at school shortly before the end of the day, I got confirmation that as the weather had broken, the organiser had been given the go ahead for launch at 6.30pm.

Mad dash home (no speed limits broken though), quick change for James, and then a frustratingly slow journey to the venue (Capesthorne Hall).  A couple of brews were consumed. I finally accepted that Autumn has arrived (i.e. my fingers froze).  A couple of meteorological test rockets were launched and then the real thing. - See extra images

And, the best bit, one of my students had persuaded their Dad to drive them all the way down (quite a trek for them) and they made it in time to see this launch.

I have just regained feeling in my fingertips.

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