Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


This morning Pipersdad and I met V1k1 and The Forester at their hotel in Estes Park and spent a lovely day together.  Thanks to Blip we immediately felt like old friends even though we had never met before and live 7000 miles apart!  We started with brunch in town and planned our day touring Rocky Mountain National Park.  We were amazed at their stamina after having only arrived 2 days before from the other side of the world and a much lower elevation!  We did a couple of short hikes and a lot of driving, covering most of the major roads through the park including Trail Ridge Road, the highest paved road in the USA at over 12000 feet.  The scenery was beautiful and many animals were spotted along the way.  I have included in my extras a bugling elk, a Yellow-bellied Marmot, a wild turkey, a mule deer and a distant shot of Bighorn Sheep.  On our way out of the park in the early evening we were treated to many interesting displays of elk bugling.  At the end of the day we had dinner together before we left them at their hotel with lots of hugs and well wishes, a perfectly wonderful day!  Now they are off on a one month road trip though the southwest looping back to Denver and back home.

Of the 200 photos I took today, the one that best represented the day was of V1k1 and me at the top of Trail Ridge (taken by The Forester). :-))

(I'm late posting because I was much too tired to sort through photos by the time we got home last night.)

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