Feed me Daddy!

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Oh I despair of this weather, Happy Wet Summer everyone, Happy Longest Day too! And despairing of a photo. It's dark, it's wet, it's windy. I was feeding Larry his worms in the garage, when I heard the sweet chirps of his offspring, I walked to the front garden & this one was chirping to him & to me too I think... he kept jumping forward, at one point, he flew onto the camera lens... I say *he* as the males are always so much forward then the females..., so yes, a definite Little Larry prodigy on my hands already! ISO enormous, can't be helped!

As for his Daddy:

Rubbish Weather - you said it Larry!

Dad & I have decided to go out to dinner tonight at one of our many local pubs. Can't wait. Am feeling hungry already. So hence the earlier blip! xxx

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