An Seilide 2

He's getting bigger  and has moved on to the grapes! The grapes in the conservatory have been disappointing this year - covered in some kind of stickiness that attracts flies. But the ones in the polytunnel are good - and attract small snails.

Extra: van update. The ceiling has been insulated, a leak in the roof has been fixed, the walls covered in a very smart blue felt and tonight we have to help him get the grey felted ceiling back in place. My job is to do something hydraulic with his tripod and hold the thing up whilst the men  get the corners sorted. Easier said than done. The decor is so far rather sophisticated mainly because I think he wants to sell it on. He confessed that when he does one up for himself the walls will be purple with swirls (probably red) and there will be an extravagant use of leopardskin. Eeeek! Actually it sounds remarkably like his old bedroom.
Further progress re van here and go backwards to see the developments. It's his 730th blip in there somewhere too.

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