You see Piet Hein, walking in front of me. Umbrella up, because it poured.
In the morning we had cleaned and cleared our home (some rooms at least), because Gerlinde who we had at some days ago, had accepted our invitation to come to our house at noon and share a meal with us.
She came and brought us a giant 'Steinpilz' (boletus edulis) that she had found in the forest that begins right where she lives (at the other side of the Weser).
We had a lively conversation and in the afternoon we drove with her to the Reinhardswald, where she had an appointment and we started our walk in her 'forest', because she had told us that she had seen a lot of the 'Fliegenpilz' (amanita muscaria) and had shown pictures of these amazing fungi that she had taken.
We have been there often and know the paths like the Frau HölleWeg.
And indeed we saw an amazing lot of fungi, the weather had not been splendid this day till then, but it could be worse. Espcially when it started to rain. To dark to take pictures of the fungi at all.
After some time we were cold and walked down the hill and to our home again. Hot tea!! helps a lot in that situation.

My haiku:

In the dark forest
Don't lose your way if you can
Avoid this to happen

And the proverb:

He/She got out of the muxy, and fell into the pucksy.

1616  Draxe,  55.

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