A Shot Through The Windscreen

I hope these crazy days will moderate soon ... :o|
Everyday seems to bring yet more hecticity at work ... (if that's a word) ... (and if it isn't a word, then it should be) ... ('hecticity' - "the state of being hectic") ... (it sounds like it should be a word, but my spellcheck doesn't recognise it) ... (I'll start again) ...
Everyday seems to bring yet more manic activity at work ... (that seems better) ... and today was no exception ...
Nine and a half hours of nonstop, full throttle, mental stress and hard graft is getting a bit much ... :o/
I wonder if there's much money to be had in shark wrestling ... If there is, then it might be a relaxing alternative to delivering laundry ... :o)
Either way, it doesn't leave much time to think too much about blipping, but at least being stuck in a traffic tail-back, just as the sun was attempting to appear over clouds, gave me the opportunity to capture a quick shot through the windscreen of the van ... (I was stopped, with the gears in neutral and the hand break firmly on - I hasten to add) ... :o)

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