A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Happy dog blip

She really is an added burst of happiness around here. I even weirdly enjoyed the walk in the mud and the pouring rain and watching my lovely golden retriever get blacker and blacker as she wrestled dogs in a muddy puddle at the park. Me and J were less keen on the following two hours when the kitchen became a no-go zone of revolting wet dog stinkiness.

Managed my expectations well this morning when the boy didn't make it to school. And in doing more research for other things came across a book and an app called Super Better which was created by the gaming psychology expert Jane McGonigal to game her way to recovery when she suffered a concussion which she struggled to recover from. We have downloaded the (free) app and it has prompted some really good conversations as well as giving a positive focus for activities.

Again I have largely failed to work but I think we are finding a way to balance the new reality.

Lesley x

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