Camel Country

By Bevie

Heya Beya

Heya Beya is an old Bahraini traditional annual ritual which is inspired by Prophet Ebrahim and lessons learned from sacrificing his son . Eid Al Adha is also known as Feast of the Sacrifice. In anticipation of Heya Beya celebration day, children plant some beans in a basket and water it daily till it grows to a plant (Heya Beya). On Heya Beya ritual day the children wear their traditional cloths and join friends, neighbours and family to sacrifice their beloved Heya Beya. The aim is to revive Bahraini heritage and teach children to sacrifice their home-grown plants. All over Bahrain seashores the children gather at sunset and start singing traditional songs, before throwing their Heya Beya into the sea and wishing the pilgrims a safe trip back home.

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