Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Bites and fungi

A bad start to the day. An insect bite acquired a few weeks ago has turned nasty and my leg has swelled alarmingly. It seems an infection has set in and I am to take enormous penicillin tablets every 6 hours for the next two weeks. Thank goodness for the NHS!

Nothing daunted this afternoon I returned to the insect infested woods in search of more fungal delights.

This colourful fellow is the yellow staghorn Calocera viscosa. It makes its living by breaking down dead wood.

The "extra" is another horn, a particularly impressive stinkhorn, capable of offending the morals of even the most liberal of maids. If you don't know the story of stinkhorns, morals and maids, then all is explained in this earlier blip.

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