You may find it strange but I always  am fascinated by the headlights on cars. I am not particularly interested in cars at all, but when I walk in town and pass by cars  my eyes dwell on the expression of their lights. Some are white of course, some are red. I did not take many pictures in the past of these strange creatures (yes, I see them as creatures) but for this abstract challenge I took one.
youoregon1 is hosting this challenge and I admire his dedication.
The tag is Abstract Thursday, shortly at13 (for this thursday).
It happened to be a fine, warm day, and after our long walk of yesterday it was good to has mainly a quiet time. Reading, no surprise I read in the book of Marcel Brion, titled:  l'art fantastique.
I have this book for decades, waiting on a shelf for me to open it and I am glad that I finally have started reading it. It is a pocketbook and rather thick so I can enjoy it for a long time.

My haiku:

It looks as if not
Much happens on my balcony
But that's deceptive

And the proverb:

There is no deceit in a bag-pudding.

1584  Richard Wilson, Three Ladies of London

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