nothing new under the sun


Fortunately, it happens most days For the last 524 days I've captured this time or 12 hours before it.

I noticed something today when writing up last Friday's blip. Last Friday, I realised where I'd left my house keys. Which also included my locker key at work and bike lock keys.

Two weeks before I'd not been able to find them after coming home from work. I had spares, so no real issue there. But I was really confident that they weren't actually lost. Just not-yet-found.

So when I realised where they were, I was over the moon.

Then I noticed that a year before the day I found them was the day I *actually* lost my house, locker and bike lock keys. And also the start of a journey with two people I now consider to be good friends.

As I wrote about in my Higher English dissertation (about Slaughterhouse 5.): "there's nothing new under the sun".

Isn't it full of wonder?

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