
By pensionspoet

A 'Roundel' - Norwich

A busy day. I can also feel my blips shortening.

At lunchtime I went for a walk. I have to confess though, that I went to search for this 'roundel' located in the pavement just outside White Stuff, but I didn't take this photo. It had been 'What's App'd to me earlier by James! (He will moan if he doesn't get the acknowledgement)

The enscription says This roundel marks the boundary of the Castle Fee, an area if the city directly controlled by the Crown until 1345.

More research to be done, but my laptop has frozen again, so you'll have to google it yourselves if you're interested!!!

So I had a wander, then back to the office for a busy afternoon, leaving at 4.40 I got home at 5.40. We had dinner and then popped out to Morrisons for a few bits. When I got back I was incensed with the b****y dogs who had eaten the half pound of butter I had just got out of the freezer to make cakes. I screamed at them so loudly I hurt my throat. For those of you who don't know me, I like cats, and chickens. Nothing else. I was so cross I had to eat some chocolate.

I make the cakes. Then got side tracked and they burnt a bit.

Life, story, my, of.


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