Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Empty your pockets

and what do you find? In my case:

A ten pound note I didn't know I had and which bought a huge smile to my face
The menu from last week's Indian pop-up restaurant
A receipt from Superdrug for tooth flossing supplies
A conker that I picked up when TSM and I were out walking

Which kind of tells the story of my life: an obsession with food, an obsession with my own health, small riches, and something that makes me think of love.

As to the rest:

Got very wound up at work this morning. Threatened to go and stick my head down the toilet. Colleagues commented that this was not the usual calm me ...

Cut a few corners (of necessity) but made my deadlines.

Had lunch in a barn with an old colleague and chewed the fat about various things...

Will be glad when tomorrow is over.

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