This Life...

By tintin

The Longest (Dreich) Day

I was up early today for an appointment at a new dental practice in town, sadly my previous dentist retired. He'd been caring for my gnashers since I was 11 years old (I am now 37), therefore it was time to source a new one. He seemed very nice and cheerful, which is always good, although it still mystifies me why dentists chat away whilst having their hands in your mouth and expect you to be able to chat back.

My next stop after the dentist was to Cameratiks on Morningside Road to get the sensor cleaned on my D3, I have two weddings back to back next weekend.

After a double soaking in torrential rain (on a moped), I made it home and pottered in the greenhouse, it was lovely sitting inside with a hot cup of tea listening to the rain batter off the roof. The cat even joined me and made herself comfy on a grow bag!

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