A Fungus in Mourning

More jobs at home today, including taking delivery of a big consignment of bird food. I was very proud that the BTO Garden Birdwatch tweeted my photo of the Siskin I posted on Sunday. Apparently there have been record numbers of reports of these attractive little birds this week.
I went down to the cemetery for an hour to see if any new fungi were around. There wasn't a great deal, but a clump of these caught my eye on one of the graves, and although I knew I should recognise it, I got sidetracked by its cobwebby veil , which would make it a Cortinarius (Webcap), then its fibrillose cap which would make it an Inocybe (Fibrecap).  It was only when I looked closely at one of the specimens I'd taken home for identification that I saw the little tears  on the underside. I consulted and knew right away when someone gave me the answer - it's a Weeping Widow (Lacrymaria lacrymabunda syn. velutina ) What else would it be, growing on a grave?

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