Its a Crime

This picture is not pretty. Taken on a road trip from Kuala Lumpur to Kuantan in Malysia. Surrounded by lush green landscape, only there is hardly any green to be seen. What is supposed to be a view of green bush and mountains, quickly recedes into a stark grey limited horizon. Caused mainly by open fires in Indonesia, this smoke cloud covers Malaysia, stretching from the eastern coast to the western side. Most images one sees is of the haze in the cities. These views in the country-side struck me. Even the trees seems to struggle for fresh air. See also the extra photos. This happens every year. Then words like API (Air Pollutant Index) and visibility becomes frequently used in conversation and news items. People are informed about the API per region and warned that it is hazardous and people should refrain from exercising outdoors. On occasion the schools are closed down in areas. And every year politicians vow to take this up with the offending neighbours, yet every year the haze returns.

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