The flash of perception
Rydw i'n darllen llyfr diddorol am ffotograffiaeth*. Mae'n siarad am y moment pan ddych chi'n gweld rhywbeth fel pe bai yn y troi cyntaf, heb gysyniad. Mae'r llyfr diddorol achos dydy e ddim am dechneg, mae'n am ddatblygu'r galluogi i weld gyda llygaid ffres. Dych chi'n gallu darllen mwy am y llyfr ar y we:
I'm reading an interesting book about photography*. It talks about the moment when you see something as if for the first time, without concept. The book is interesting because it is not about technique, it's about developing the ability to view with fresh eyes. You can read more about the book on the web:
The Practice of Contemplative Photography - Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes / Andy Karr & Michael Wood / Shambhala 2011 / ISBN 978-1-59030-779-3 /
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