
dropped in to see us.

We hadn't seen him for quite some while. He is looking well but very tired because he is burning the candle at both ends.

A lovely sunny morning and C & I have just flea'd the boy - he never likes it being done - but its one of those things you have to do on a regular basis.

C is going to N&R's this pm to do some more gardening & I have contacted a decorator for a quote on 1 or more rooms that need doing here at home.

Hip is being a stinker again today - just because I thought I had the pain under control. I see the hip man on Tuesday so that is something to look forward to.

Mum left for a river cruise in Germany this morning.....lucky girl !

On this day in 1087 William II was crowned King of England..... and in 1934 the steamship RMS Queen Mary is launched.

Also on this day in 1887 Barnes Wallis was born. He is famously known as the inventor of the Bouncing Bomb used in the Dam Busters Raid

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