
By IntothewildMan

The Pond on Hanworth Common

We were up fairly early and reading the Saturday morning papers when I heard an unfamiliar noise, a sliding and thumping sound which I couldn't quite place. Hanne Lene got there first...the sound of wood sliding off a tip-up truck onto the gravel. This was soon followed by a knock on the door and a friendly greeting, "Allroight booy?" A hundred quid in crisp notes soon changed hands but I became the contented owner of a large pile of seasoned hardwood - a fair amount of ash and birch in it. It has taken a few hours to stack just over half of it in the woodshed.
Later on, we had breakfast in the garden in warm sunshine and then off for a cycle ride through Gresham and round via Thurgarton Church to Hanworth where we stopped to take a look. A few mallard and a couple of moorhens were skeetering about on the water and trying to keep out of sight; they are a bit wary. It is a fairly wild pond and I think they are used to predators. So no sign of them in today's blip!

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