The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Perfect Day (or spot the Spotters)

CleanSteve has already written about our day. How kind of him! Still, here's the story as I saw it.

CleanSteve's train blip:
He is the fourth from the left, looking very trim from behind!

We had a slow start, then headed off to town. I was bound for a jumble sale organised by a group of local women, in aid of the 'world's doctors' who are helping to take care of the health needs of the refugees in Calais. It was one of the best (and the only recent ) jumble sales I've attended! I found a huge variety of clothes and other goods, including a fantastic pair of boots for £5, plus a sackful of winter clothes. I bumped into a number of parents of nursery children; and then went out and about town, telling people to the good news about the sale. Jumble sales are a rarity these days: car boots and table top events have taken over, with the emphasis on individual benefit rather than community enterprise.

After bumbling around town in the sunshine, going to the wrong photography exhibition by mistake, finding the right one, and stopping just to sit and watch the Saturday street crowd, I headed home. By this time I had acquired several more pairs of jumble-jeans and a pinstriped shirt for Steve, so progress was slow. I was listening to my iPod's Polish course, and repeating the phrases aloud, as directed, so I got some strange looks.

CleanSteve wanted to go and snap a steam train, and I decided to go along for the ride, since our destination was close to Haresfield, where the Cotswold range meets the Severn Vale. CleanSteve parked up opposite Bridge Farm, and took a position on the bridge. Seconds later, other cars began to appear, and out stepped man after man, each carrying heavy camera gear and/or a tripod. To my surprise, some women appeared too, carrying babies and toddlers. It was quite some meet. Meanwhile. I was engaged in a quiet 'war time moment' busily picking brambles and rosehips in the sun, imagining myself in a 1940s wrap around pinny, extolling the Vitamin C content of rosehips compared to the non-available oranges. So real was my fantasy that when CleanSteve asked for a cup of tea from the Thermos, I apologised that I couldn't make drinks for all the folk on the bridge! All I lacked was a (solar-powered) urn.

The train approached rather slowly, and the lovely white plume of steam turned to dirty smoke as it turned the bend. I doubt if anyone got a good shot. Shame. The train was the Tangmere: CleanSteve has details, plus the shot. I don't really attempt steam train shots, as for me it means missing the moment of seeing the train pass with my naked eye. Plus, I'm not a train spotter. But these guys are! Notice how utterly fed up the poor dog Max is looking! He's just been refused a plain chocolate Hob Nob, that's why.

Back home, I cooked the supper and prepped the brambles/blackberries, and even attempted to oven-dry the rosehips (fine if you've got three weeks) before sort-of watching the rugby. It was England V Wales. I'm supporting the Celtic Nations, so what with Scotland beating Japan on Wednesday, and Wales winning tonight, it's all looking rosy tonight.

Amazing what weekend sunshine can do...

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