Blush response

By Esper

Two More Bridges to Go

After more than a week without a run, I was itching to stretch my pins. I thought I would try and run to Universal Studios but, unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to get there; too many expansive stretches of water, too few bridges and too many dead ends. However, in the serendipitous manner of running without a map, I found a fabulous long route along the oceanside. I took this photograph on the return leg, just before running over the large bridge on the left of the picture and then the small bridge to the right of the huge white bridge. That small bridge takes me into Koshien, about five minutes running time from home. When I stopped my pedometer back home it read exactly three hours running time and 24.5 kilometres. I'm not sure how accurate that is, I think I may have run slightly further. Still, I'm going to run this route again on Monday, minus the dead ends and long cuts, so that I can get a standardised time to improve upon throughout the summer holiday. Lots of incredible blip opportunities along this route, as well as expansive views and a welcome lack of traffic lights.

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