A Long Day

Set off for the craft fair this morning and stopped off to leave cash as Chicken Lady's house for some Stornoway black pudding which is being brought back for me.
That was when I spotted it ............. the damned great nail in my tyre.
My car doesn't have a spare - it has a liquid repair you squirt in through the valve .... which never works!
But the tyre appeared to still be inflated.
So I headed off across the hills taking it easy to avoid putting stress on the tyre and kept my fingers crossed.
I made it to Linlithgow (even stopping for my blip) and set up my stall - see the extra picture - and proceeded to have a fairly profitable day.
No higher priced items were sold but a fair few lower priced ones was fine.
At the end of the day I crossed my fingers again and went to get the car.
Yess!!!........ the tyre was still inflated!
So it was home again over the hills to arrive just in time to collect SWMBO and head off for dinner with friends.
Excellent food with great company.
Then it was back to one of their houses where there was another couple joined us and lots of drink was consumed (by everyone bar the two of us who had to drive .... I am not too keen on this enforced tea totalism) before heading home prior to one of us turning into a pumpkin

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