
After a few issues and some renegotiation on price, the sale of the house seems to be going ahead again and the buyers are keen to move in as soon as possible. Their survey had suggested the possible use of asbestos in the passage way under the house. It was news to me as our own survey had never thrown up any problem. Not quite believing it, I got my own asbestos survey done to find out for sure and I will never forget the look on the face of the guy when he pushed a screwdriver into the board to confirm my worst fears. He took samples of the dust that fell our but he told me there and then that it was a nasty kind of asbestos and would need removal  - and wouldn't be cheap. I love this old house but I think I'm going to be happy to move to somewhere smaller and easier to maintain - not that I've ever done any maintenance here, which is the problem!

So I've been galvanised into sorting and packing today, as there may not be too many spare days left to prepare to leave. It's been a rather lonely job, throwing away a lot of old stuff of the boys, with so many memories attached. I've no idea where their childhood has gone, but they've emerged into adulthood with extraordinarily little in the way of possessions. Neither of them are into stuff at all. They seem to have no attachment to things - which has got to be healthy. I think it says a lot about their own sense of security and freedom. I'm hoping to learn from them and let go of a vast amount of my own stuff - except my books of course!

It's been a very still and warmish day, a perfect day for cricket really - now the season is over. It would have been very easy to make the most of the good weather but I've stuck to the task, just going out for a run on the moor towards the end of the day. Not sure whether it was the effects of a very tough week but I had nothing in my legs at all. The light was really soft. There wasn't much sun about but I did manage to capture a little bit here. Go large and you should be able to make out Bolton Abbey. As you can see, the heather is fading away fast. 

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