
By FarmerGirl


The alarm went off at 4.45am this morning, which was really 3.45am after loosing an hour to daylight saving overnight.  It was so hard to get out of bed.  It was cold.  Outside it was white and -2 degrees C.  While walking up to the cowshed at 5.15am, it was interesting to see the stars, something we don't see often as it's usually foggy.

For all of the milking it was dark.  We were finishing up at 7am, and it was just getting light - and colder.  My fingers were numb!

The cows don't appreciate daylight saving either.  They were still lying down in their paddock, not expecting Farmerboy to turn up to get them to the cowshed.

The only good thing about a frosty start is the beautiful day that we end up having - and we're certainly having our fair share of them!

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