Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

My chariot awaits

Up this morning feeling better with the cold almost gone. Went down and got on the boat to go diving. When I loaded the cylinders onto the boat yesterday I tweeted my back and it hadn't settled down. Got to the dive site to dive the wreck of the Fairweather. Got to the bottom of the shot line and couldn't take the pain in my back anymore so came up. Got back on board and couldn't move. Spent the next 45 mins rolling around on the deck in agony before the rest of the divers came up. J surfaced to find me on the deck. Thanks to all the divers who helped out organising things as we went back to the harbour to meet the ambulance. They decided not to drive me from Ullapool to Inverness and called out the helicopter instead. The emergency services were great and gave me lots of morphine to help. J packed up all the stuff and came over to Inverness to meet me at the hospital. Got given some more pain pills and released. They don't think its a disc issue just a very bad muscle spasm which happened to protect my back and made my leg go numb.
Got back to the flat and watched England loose to Wales to top off a crap day before going to bed high on pain pills.

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