Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness...

... a cliché, but true nevertheless!
Went over the tops in mist to meet lovelupins at the Holmfirth Vinery ( as blipped by ValC last week and by me earlier in the month ). A very entertaining tour indeed, followed by a spot of wine slugging tasting...
It hasn't been a great year as far as growing grapes is concerned, and they have had an emergency pick of most of the white ones this week as the rain is making the grapes grow faster then the sun can ripen them. The black grapes are earmarked for picking on Tuesday, and the remaining tiny green ones left to plump up just a bit more... but it's not destined to be the best of harvests!
Great place for a Blipmeet though - and we may have to hold out for snow before we do the poppies at YSP!

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