
By Instography

Block plane

Another early start. Ellen couldn't work the TV and her yelling from the sitting room meant I eventually had to get up and fix it for her. And being up meant the bread could go in the oven and some coffee brewed and Twitter read. And some websites viewed. And a little bit of a proposal written. 

There's a little bit of sadness when you finish making something so I've been wondering what to make next. Nothing as sensible as all the bits of wood that need to be fixed to skirting places and door frames. Not that. Fun stuff. Anyway, my fat arse answered that question when I sat on (through, to be precise) the little cheapo bench to have bacon sarnies with @mostlynorth and Lesley while they chopped up their apples for pressing. So, a bench. I was thinking about that anyway. Those big pew seats are still in the garage waiting for attention. A 9ft bench then. I'll need a bigger plane. 

Lovely day of apple (and some pear) mangling. Chopping and chatting in the sun with 6 Music burbling away in the background. 

And I finally got round to putting the new tyres on. Found a broken spoke on the back and had to replace that though didn't tighten it or anything. And it turns out my front dynamo is buggered. Must've been the crash.

And it turns out that I have two unused dynamo front wheels that I have no use for. Hmm. Idiot.

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