
By backwoodsman


.........I visited a garden!        Not just any old garden ,but Andrew McLintochs garden !!
Andrew is one of the worlds one-offs !
And his garden is also a one-off ......a walled acre of ,shrubs.trees ,winding pathways and leafy bowers that have taken 19years of backbreaking toil!
It is beautiful!
And more than that ,every turn and corner is crammed with his quirky sense of humour......objects garnered from junk shops grin out from the foliage as you pass by and its impossible not to smile :-)
But what really arrests the eye is his marvellous delicate cement sculptures so full of grace and movement :-)

I am thinking of buying a large digger just to lift the whole garden in the dead of night and plonk it down on my lawn !!  :-D

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