Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Shining star

While everyone else is writing about the lunar eclipse, I've opted to write about this little star (and her brother).

Unfortunately she had another sickly episode.  Rather than being a hangover from last week's illness, we're pretty sure it was a combination of too much sun and not enough water.  Although we covered her in sun cream, we must be more careful to keep her fluids up - especially while she's so little.

The wee man on the other hand, was lucky enough to go for two bike riders today.  The first was a four mile round trip to the coffee shop and the second was a similar distance to the aptly named Moonlight Beach, this time accompanied by my colleague Harry, and his son Gabe.

For once, the wee man actually played really well with another child.  He was neither selfish nor greedy, and they happily played together at home and at the park.  Could this be the start of a new phase?  Hopefully it doesn't happen every blue moon!

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