Mono Monday : Past

After my sister-in-law's death earlier this month came the sad task of clearing her room in the nursing home.
You wouldn't think there'd be much to do, but here were the roots of seventy-eight years laid out - letters, photos, books and ornaments, all treasured and meaningful once, now needing to find a new home or be divided between the charity shop and the dustbin. Her only son lives in California and doesn't have much space for keeping sentimental stuff, even his mother's.
Eight years ago I helped her do the same thing in her old aunt's home in Dunblane. This sampler was on the wall in the living-room and Ann was pleased to keep it, to hang on the wall in her room. Now it passes to my husband, a memory of two dear ladies.
Who were you, JBF, B McA, TF, JF, MBF, WF and EF, who sewed this piece in terracotta, brown, red, yellow and green a hundred years before my daughter was born ? None of the initials belong in the family, so I suppose we'll never know. But I do know that one day it'll pass to her, gathering more memories as it goes.

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