Homeward Bound!

Well in a sense.  We headed back to Perth today after a fantastic few days. Neither of us realised what a wild ride it would be when we started out last Monday to explore the wildflower region north of Perth.

We were so sad to leave Monkey Mia this morning but happily the dolphins gave us one last performance as they fished in the shallows just off the beach.  We will be back in Perth on Wednesday but not before exploring the  coast road that runs south of Geraldton.  We'll be diving in and out of the little fishing villages along the coast and I'm just hoping there's a crayfish waiting for me along the way.

I honestly have no idea the name of the flower I've posted tonight.  I do know though that we passed thousands of them as we drove down the road to Geraldton.  Do you think they would stand still while I took their photo - not a chance!!!

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