
By Saltandvinegar

A Wonderful Find

A day of sheer delight. When I moved house a couple of years ago, I made a last minute decision to dig up my lovely tiny Cyclamen and just stuck them roughly in a tub of earth that already had other plants in it, hoping that just a few of them would survive, and moved the pot with me. Well, I'm ashamed to say I neglected the pots outside and carried on indoors getting unpacked and tidy. I looked for them last year and thought I saw a few leaves that maybe looked like Cyclamen, but dismissed them thinking that I had probably lost the lot over winter.
Then today, imagine my joy when there they were in their utmost glory, still in the same pot.
Nature never ceases to amaze me. It has one purpose and that is to survive at all costs. I will treasure these now, and try to find out where they like to be planted and how to treat them properly. And yes I did snap the Blood and Super Moon, but there were so many others on blip, I thought I'd go with my wonderful find.

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