Forrest Isbi.......

........ this is where he decided to stop running.

After realising I had to blip this I remembered it is MonoMonday. It will have to take 2nd place today but I did find a shot which should qualify.
This dwelling definitely looks PAST its best.

(I hope the extra loads. Apparently it fell off yesterday but I think it is there now. In fact, it's also there today. I realise I changed the date after posting yesterday and now I can’t delete it from here.....
Thank you for all your interest in our trip. I am flicking through your entries where possible, but don't have much time for commenting).

Today we left the spectacular Monument Valley and drove the back way along the Colorado river to Fruita in Colorado.
It is the first night we hadn't pre-booked a motel and we found one twice as good at half the price as the others we have stayed at.

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