All Blacks Day

Pre school have a theme each day of the school holidays. It keeps the older kids happy when they know their siblings are having time at home. Today was World Cup day, although, the only team being represented was the all blacks. Lincoln has a full outfit of gear which was fun.

He's had quite an interesting day. He has been very verbally communicative and has told me what he wants all afternoon, with tantrums when he doesn't get it.

We read a book about food and when we got to the page with bananas he turned around, reached towards the fruit bowl and demanded a 'nana. I said no and for the next hour he kept insisting. I eventually gave him one after his tea when he insisted he was still hungry. After his teeth were done he asked for yet another 'nana.

Tonight he also started saying no when he doesn't want to do something. Other new words are 'meow meow', 'moo' and 'cracker'.

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