A Blustery Day

It's been a tad gusty here today :) It's been great for getting my laundry dry, well when it wasn't spitting with rain. I'm a hard-core laundry dryer though and just left it out there. It all got dry in the end!

Not much else to report really. I've been giving myself a headache (for the second day running) trying to navigate the UCAS website but help is on the way! Asha's friend, Jen, is home from university this weekend and had said that she will pop into help me :)

This was taken at the village church while I was out with the hound. I have found this funky thing on y camera that lets me give an image a grainy look, so I applied it to this photo. I was going to take a photo of the church and use it, but it's got all scaffolding up and looks like the roof is being replaced/re-thatched.

Happy Friday :)

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