Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Wave your paws in the air.. you just don't care! It looks like fun itching on the mowed rush spikes! A morning walk with the dogs and then on to fencing my training field. Two strainers dug in (by husband) and new posts on the old section stapled onto the rylock. Another day will see it reinstated as its own field. Then it will be onto a new fence along the loch side to fence it off.  It was a glorious sunny day and the dogs had a blast as you can see. All the dogs are tired now apart from Mitzi the daschund who I didn't take as she is quite a spoilt princess and tends to do as she pleases as she has not been taught otherwise.

Ben had a good training session this morning and was checking in on me as we were fencing which was nice to see. He is quite dog orientated so rather than looking to humans for guidance, attention or fun he always goes to the other dogs. Quite strange he is like this as he is an only dog. The owner has had a lot of problems with him ditching her to go play with other dogs.

17c 3mph S sunshine all day finally summer has come!!

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