You've Got To Move It-Move It

Everybody always slows down just before the bridge, almost the way you might hold your breath before an adventure, and then you're on it and then, barring traffic, you're off it again.  Definitely one way to discover your inner child is to cross a bridge.

Shot on the Brienenoord during the afternoon rush hour.

Went to work, worked 8 hours straight, went back home.

After the excitement of the blood moon early yesterday morning, the rest of the day was spent housekeeping -- vacuumed/mopped all the floors, two loads of laundry, one load of ironing, lunch and dinner dishes, dusting.  In between all that, a bit of family tree, some gaming, some snippets of a romantic film, plus lots of hugs for hubby throughout.  He's wondering what's going on.  This morning, despite the extremely early morning yesterday and late night last night, woke up on the dot, warmed myself up in the infrared, had breakfast then drove to work.  At the moment, I'm wondering, too.  Or am I?

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