The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Well that makes a change!

I wasn't hopeful about getting to my bird group today. I set the alarm early - and to my surprise, as I opened my bedroom door, mum opened hers.

She was a bit slow, but after breakfast she had perked up enormously. The cleaner/carer comes on Tuesdays so mum wouldn't be alone for long.

A great class was had in a country park and down onto the beach - a highlight would be the juvenile water rail but too distant for a decent photo, so here's a crab of some sort (does anyone know?) It's a shore crab. There were two of them chasing about in the rock pool (the other one looked the same but blue).

Meanwhile back in the garden - the same old story - Jack (extra photo) turned up and had his meds ..

(Does 'number remaining' in extra photos take us to the end of the calendar year?)

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