Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Moroccan Fun

After a leisurely breakfast we made our way to the riad's spa as we were all booked in for a traditional hammam. Had never had one before, but basically it's a vigorous rub down with a loofah, in a hot steam room. I enjoyed it until the last 5 minutes , by which time I was starting to feel a little light headed and over come with the wet heat. My skin did feel amazing afterwards though... they say you have to suffer for beauty?!

Late afternoon we all went for a stroll/shop in the souks. It was always going to be an interesting experience - 9 western women, without male company, 5 of whom are blond... We managed the 'attention' well I feel. We were discreetly dressed and followed all the unspoken 'rules'! I loved it... such a different culture to the one we are used to.

Our evening consisted of drinks in a lovely bar whilst watching the sunset, and then dinner at an amazing Moroccan restaurant. Beautiful setting, great food and as it was Kate's birthday yesterday, we were even serenaded by the local musicians who were playing in the restaurant that night!

Such fun... today did not disappoint!

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