it's all a matter of convenience

I was struggling for a blip idea today - and struggling to find a way home - when I happened to find myself outside the MK Dons football stadium. 

The roads around MK are in chaos at the moment - closures, diversions and last minute repairs - in readiness for the Rugby World Cup Finals.  Today’s road closures meant a diversion which took me right to the heart of the action.  

The MK Dons stadium will host three matches in the next few days and there’s a flurry of activity as contractors provide every convenience for those coming to spectate, from tickets, souvenirs and food outlets to comfort breaks.  I drive into the site in hope of a blip. 

I spot a view of the pitch through a glass door.  But the door is locked - and even if I had manage to get in - I’d probably have been thrown out.  And there’s a very large poster, that catches my eye.  (See extras). 

But I finally make a beeline for a row of portaloos.  As I’m sure many fans will.

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