Master of All He Surveys

Fergus was out and about this morning. I went to get the zoom lens after this but he was gone, so it's more of a landscape shot than a portrait, from my bedroom window.

On the left you can see the cockerel's house, but it's gone a bit quiet on the fowl front, so I don't know if it's gone or just depressed by the weather. This is about as dry as it got all day, although there was a point where we were sitting in the car in strong sunshine and pouring rain, with steam coming off the bonnet. Alexander was asleep again and it was my turn to sit with him. I went to sleep as well.

Actually I have been asleep a lot of today - I woke up early and gave Alexander his banana (bizarrely he now refuses to eat the pointy end bits) and then went to sleep again. Probably this is because I didn't have to get up early for work and I wasn't woken by the cockerel. I woke up again at 9.45...

Later we headed out on the bus to meet Daddy at the community open day he was working at, at the Central Mosque. Luckily we arrived just in time before the thunder started. There were a lot of stalls and people were quite pleased to see Alexander; he got a balloon from the Macmillan man and they chased it round the hall. No wonder he needed a sleep.

I didn't mention to Daddy these guys were back at the international market. Can I eat a cinnamon and a cherry and almond danish without him noticing?

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