
By Clericus

What on Earth is this?

Any blipper who also does Geocaching will know what this is.

In my case it might be the onset of second childhood which has caused me to take up the pastime recently. Or they do say that being a bit of a geek might help (what is a geek?). Quite possibly it's a desire to be filling my time with interesting things to do, as if I hadn't enough already. And the grandchildren could find it interesting as it's a kind of treasure hunt.

It's certainly a good reason to go and explore new and interesting places - and therefore use my camera!

In fact it's a world-wide treasure hunt with some 1.7 million places to find buried treasure. Over 5 million people take part apparently.

Sometimes, to add interest, the "treasure" travels. In my blip today is a "Travel Bug" which has its roots in Arizona, turned up in Wales and has steadily travelled across country to be found by me in a cache less than a mile from home. I shall now place it in another cache sometime soon and send it on its way again.

Wonder where it will end up? It might go on around and around the world forever. And its owner and any other geocacher can track its progress. Interesting maybe.

Great fun. More information here

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