
... Couldn't contain how pleased she was to get her certificate and badge for Grade 5. She watched the grade 6 kids tonight and was very excited to see them using the flippers. I was very proud of her for going off the diving blocks tonight. It was that which caused her the wee panic before summer and tonight was the first time she's had to do it. She did an amazing job of her shallow-end tumble turns tonight too.

We are really loving our bike journeys with the new flat. It's proving both convenient and a pretty journey. We have discovered a great looking cafe, a quaint looking patisserie and a chippy that we didn't know about- all one street away from us!

After swimming we went for tea with friends. A takeaway pizza and some apple strudel was definitely welcome before a ride home in a gorgeous sunset. She's sleeping in her new room tonight for the first time, inside camping for a few days until her fab new bed arrives!

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